Director, Streaming & Animation Ops, MARVEL STUDIOS

Liana Oja is the Director of Streaming & Animation Operations at Marvel Studios. She has worked in facets of programming, development, production, post, distribution, and overall strategy for the television shows, starting with the company’s first aired show, WandaVision.

Over the course of her time at Marvel Studios, Liana has worked in different departments including digital assets, technical operations, physical production, and development. Prior to Marvel Studios, she was an intern at Walt Disney Imagineering on the Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout! and Tokyo Disney teams.

Liana is an optimization junkie and loves that she gets to use her left and right-brain daily, marrying her technical and creative skills to solve all things television. She is from Minneapolis, MN and graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering. When she’s not working, she can be found in the mountains with her dog.